Friday, March 9, 2012

Yellow Jasmines

The yellow jasmine is a delicate and lovely blossom in the most interesting hue of
sunshine yellow. They grow wild and bountiful, especially here in South Carolina.
I believe the jasmine is the state flower. They also have an intoxicating smell.
Lovely! We went for a drive last Sunday after church, just to spot as many yellow jasmines as we could. We saw them along the country roads, and the highways, too.

On the third or fourth day of March, there was quite a breeze, and it blew some

of the small,delicate jasmine blossoms into our driveway. For a day or so, there
seemed to be a yellow carpet of yellow flowers halfway up the drive. I was so in awe
of Nature's display. This is the first year that I have seen so many of the jasmines in one place. Really neat!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

This Is MY Kind Of Weather

I love this early fall weather! The leaves are starting to turn those glorious yellows, reds, browns, and purples. We need neither air-conditioning
or heat. It is absolutely perfect outdoors. I use my back porch at least four
or five hours every day. I am an early riser, so I do a few chores each day,
then I relax on the porch with a few crossword puzzles, or I do the easy word
searches. I find them so relaxing and excellent for a quick mind work-out.

I go inside the fenced-in part of the backyard and play with my two pooches.
Choca and Slick can be loads of fun sometimes. Then again, they only want to play among themselves. The dogs always want to see me when they are hungry, though. After being with us for three years, they know their feeding schedule. I know I must increase the food intake as the weather cools off.
We all seem to be more lively and energetic in this pleasant weather. This has got to be my favorite season.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Beautiful Flowers

I finally planted some flowers near my back steps, leading up to the screened-in porch. What a brilliant addition! The flowers make the small space look larger, and so pretty. There are marigolds, my favorite; calla lillies, a few
impatents, and an orchid that's still growing. No blossoms yet. I can't wait
to see my orchid in bloom. They are such lovely and delicate flowers. The
fragrance is simply intoxicating.

I have enjoyed my magnolia tree with its large,gorgeous white blossoms for
many years. The magnolia also has a fragrance to die for. The smell is a cross between fresh lemons and oranges.Once you've sniffed a magnolia blossom,
you definitely won't ever forget the scent. Refreshing!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Losing A Precious Sister

It is with a very heavy heart that I share with you the loss of my dear sister. Growing up with her was
quite a joy. She had such an innocence about her. R. could have anyone rolling with laughter without really trying. She simply did not realize how she affected people with her unspoiled humor. Mrs R.
was a great cook, and she took such great pleasure in feeding the neighborhood in her own special
style. Mrs. R. spared no expense when it came to the fixings for her meals. If she made someone a sandwich, all of the accompaniments must go with it: pickles, potato chips, soda or juice, fruit, etc.

I love my sister, and I realize that she was loved and respected by so many people. Sleep on, my Sis! You are surely loved and missed. I love you!
Your time to rest and relax has finally come.  Perhaps you'll cook, clean, and entertain on the 'other side'.  For, you see, many others will be welcoming her arrival 'there'.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Walk In The Woods

From my back porch, I am only a few yards from a barbed-wire fence that goes
into a deep wooded area. I love just simply looking over toward that area.
To actually take a walk into that wooded area, is always such a treat; very interesting. There are so many different trees and vines and all kinds of undergrowth on the wooded floor.

The way underfoot must be chosen carefully, or you can slip on leaves or fallen branches. Of course, you must keep your eyes wide open for harmful snakes
and insects. It is worth the effort of going into the woods, though. There
are many beautiful discoveries to be found; odd-shaped trees, various birds,
rabbits, squirrels, deer, etc. The coolness of the woods and the scents and sounds are priceless. An awesome pasttime, walking in the woods.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quiet Time

My quiet time is geared especially for me to just sit and meditate on my life
as it is. No changes are necessary at this point. I deal with things as they are. I'm feeling fine, my spouse and other family members are as well
as can be expected. I give The Supreme One all the glory. I know everything is quite alright.

I sit on my back screened-in porch and look at the trees and the birds. The
squirrels get into the act sometimes, too. They seem to say, "Look at us, we're here, too." The squirrels jump from tree to tree, and chase one another all over the space where they're playing. When Quiet Time is over, I can get back
into the daily routine, abrupt interuptions and all. I appreciate my quiet times. They are 'fuel for my soul'.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Wee Hint Of Fall Weather!

I know that I am anxious for some pleasantly cool weather after this
excruciatingly hot summer. Maybe I'm rushing things, but I thought I detected
just a hint of coolness to the atmosphere in these parts. When I stepped outside this morning around about 6:00am, I was surprised to feel a temp of
66 degrees F. Nice! An early preview of things to come.

I actually like summertime, but the weather here this summer really has been
extremely hot for an extremely long time. There were many days, and even weeks, when there was nothing to look forward to but three-digit temps for weeks at a time. Much of those times, rain was nowhere in sight. I'm glad many of us made it through this summer. We have a ways to go yet, but we can see some progress, coming toward the end of this summer. Hurray! Yea!